Popcorn Studio, a renowned entertainment company, is thrilled to announce its latest comedy event, "Laugh Die You," taking place on the 20th and 21st of July 2024 at the HGH Convention Centre at 8pm. Featuring the comedic genius of Gurmit Singh from Singapore, famously known as Hero Singh, and Malaysia’s King of Swing Sharizan Borhan along with Kavin Jay, a renowned comedian & performer known for his razor-sharp wit and captivating stage presence, "Laugh Die You" guarantees an unforgettable evening filled with exciting performances.
"This event promises to be a one-of-a-kind experience, featuring the iconic Hero Singh, and offering a perfect blend of laughter, music, and entertainment. We cannot wait to see the joy and laughter it brings to our audiences."
HGH Convention Centre Sentul, 475, Jln Peach Ave, Sentul, 51000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia